OLQH Newsletter November 15 - 21
Letter of Resignation to OLQH- Deacon Jim Fish
Beloved Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parishioners,
I hope you are well and these COVID days aren't too isolating for you or that worries about the future do not overwhelm you. The challenges of this pandemic have created quite a bit of stress for all of us. It is my hope that our faith in Christ Jesus in the Eucharist and our Church will continue to bring a life filled with hope and confidence in God’s merciful and loving kindness to all of us.
After much prayer, reflection, dialogue with Cindy, discernment with my spiritual director, and a couple trusted confidants, I offered my resignation to +Archbishop Paul Etienne effective December 31, 2020 as the Pastoral Coordinator of Our Lady Queen of Heaven parish. He has graciously granted my request.
In no way does this decision reflect on the Archdiocese, OLQH parishioners and staff, Fr. Vinner, or the nature of being a pastoral coordinator.
I realized that I cannot give the OLQH community the time and leadership she deserves. I've been absent far too much in this assignment with not only Cindy's health challenges but my own wellbeing too. Our dual episodes of poor health and hospitalizations over the last 4 years have been relentless and debilitating.
I will be taking a leave from active ministry for a time so that both Cindy and I can work on returning to health in hopes that I can return to part-time ministry later in 2021.
+Archbishop Etienne has not yet named a pastoral leader for this parish. I know that he is turning to prayer and listening to his advisors in his own discernment. However, I have full confidence that he will appoint someone who will continue to lead this amazing community as missionary disciples in the future. I will notify you when that appointment is made and pledge to work for the smoothest transition possible for your new pastoral leader.
Please keep Cindy and I in your prayers as we will continue to pray for this community in this time of transition.
In God’s great love, hope, and mercy,
Deacon Jim Fish
Pastoral Coordinator
Our Lady Queen of Heaven parish
Tuesday, November 24 - NO 9:00AM Mass
Thanksgiving Mass Reservations are OPEN!
Reserve for Thanksgiving & November 28/29 Weekend Masses.
Reservation can be received by phone call or online at https://olqhcc.eventbrite.com . Registration closes November 23, 11:15AM. Reservations will not be taken after this date. Space is limited. Questions? Please contact the Parish Office (253)537-3252.
Thanksgiving Mass - 8:30AM & 9:30AM (livestream)
Parish Office will be closed November 26 & 27
Feeling the spirit of giving this season? Here is an opportunity to provide food and gifts for children and their families during Christmas that find themselves in need this holiday!
Must be a registered parishioner for application to be taken. Call the parish office to apply.
Non-registered parishioners must apply through St. Vincent de Paul Society and will respond on a first come, first serve basis. Phone number will be needed.
.Our goal is 45 families, if the funds we collect are adequate.
We are asking for:
· cash
· checks
· and gift cards to Walmart and Target
Envelopes are at the greeters table when you come in to Mass. Place your donations in this envelope and drop it in the collection baskets upon exiting.
If you aren't coming to Mass in person, and you want to give,
place your donation in an envelope and mark it "Christmas Giving Program" and mail it or bring it by the office.
Don't put cash in the mail please, just checks and gift cards.
St. Vincent de Paul Office
Contact: (253)537-5266 | olqh14601@gmail.com
We are making so much progress with our Pathway to Mary brick fundraiser. We are so close to completion. If you haven’t already made you order, hurry before its too late! The Knights of Columbus are generously splitting all proceeds to support the parish. Order submission instructions are located on the form.
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturdays – 4:00pm & 5:00pm
Sundays – 8:30am & 9:30am
Daily Mass: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9am
Confessions & Anointing of the Sick – Do you or someone you know need any of the sacraments of Healing? Please come by Wednesdays after Daily Mass or make an appointment with Father Vinner by texting 425-345-6109 or by emailing frvinnerhgn@ourladyqueenofheaven.org.
Livestreaming schedule for Masses on Facebook and on our website at olqhcc.com are as follows: Sundays @ 9:30am; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 9am.
Reservations are required to attend weekend Masses. Reservations made online (olqhcc.eventbrite.com) or over the phone (by contacting the Parish Office), starting Mondays at 9am and they end on Fridays at 12noon. Please check the website consistently for any updates to this schedule or contact Nathan Scott at nathans@ourladyqueenofheaven.org.
Weekend Mass reservations are still required. If you need help reserving online, please contact Nathan for a systematic guide on making your reservations online. Please note*** We will still be observing the guidelines set forth from the Archdiocese of Seattle. Everyone is required to keep socially distant, have a facial covering the whole liturgy and sign in for Mass.
Communion will still remain after the Final Blessing. We will notify you if there are any changes will be made well in advance.
You can now request Mass intentions for either the weekday or weekend Masses by contacting Nathan at nathans@ourladyqueenofheaven.org. Please clearly state the date, which Mass, and whether living or deceased for the Mass intention. You are able to contact the Parish Office at 253-537-3252 x117 and leave a detailed message with your request.
Are you interested in giving back to your Church with your time and talent? We are currently looking for more volunteers to serve in the Liturgy for the Weekend & Weekday Masses! Roles include, but not limited to, ushers, greeters, sanitation, and more! For more information, please contact Joan Mikulski at 253-537-3252 x115 or jmikulski@ourladyqueenofheaven.org
Do you need assistance with Rent or utilities?
Please refer to our St. Vincent de Paul Office by calling (253) 537-5266 for more information.
Please leave a message if no one picks up.
October Financial Summary 2020
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday – 9am -11:30am, 12:30pm-4pm.
Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm.
Office Phone: 253-537-3252. Fax: 253-536-2662