OLQH Newsletter January 17 - 22
Letter from Vicar of Clergy announcing appointment of
Pastoral Associate for Administration
Meet Carmen Bryant, Pastoral Associate for Administration
We welcome our New Pastoral Associate for Administration, Mrs. Carmen Bryant, to the Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish Family! Carmen has faithfully served our region within the Pierce County Deanery for about 20 years. She has served Holy Disciples Parish for 12 years and currently All Saints, Puyallup, going-on 8 years. The Archdiocese has appointed her to also assist Holy Rosary Parish, Tacoma, and St. Martin of Tours, Fife, additional to her work with us. We thank her for saying yes to this role and look forward to her sharing her gifts working along side Father Vinner to support our parish during this time of transition.
A few fun facts about Carmen is that she has served Youth Ministry for many years, enjoys interior design, volunteering her husband for projects, and has two young adult sons.
Contact Carmen Bryant, PAA
carmenb@olqhcc.com or (253) 537-3252 ext 13.
Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. known for his tireless, collaborative, and non-violent efforts towards civil justice and equality. Let us remember as Catholics that we are called to the same principles that regard the dignity and sanctity of all human life regardless of race, gender, religion, & socio-economic standing.
May we conduct ourselves accordingly in all our actions guided by this dream of God's love for each of his children.
Parish Office Closed Monday, January 18th
Check out our numbers for Stewardship clicking the button below. Thank you for your generosity in helping our parish operate!
We are making so much progress with our Pathway to Mary brick fundraiser. We are so close to completion. If you haven’t already made you order, hurry before it’s too late! The Knights of Columbus are generously splitting all proceeds to support the parish. Order submission instructions are located on the form.
February 16 - April 18
Young Adult
Virtual Rocket League
Connect with other Catholic young
adults on 3v3 adult esports league.
$45 per team.
REGISTER here by February 8
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturdays – 4:00pm & 5:00pm
Sundays – 8:30am & 9:30am
Daily Mass: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9:00am
Fridays (Livestream Only from the Parish Chapel) 9:00am
Confessions & Anointing of the Sick – Do you or someone you know need any of the sacraments of Healing? Please come by Wednesdays after Daily Mass or make an appointment with Father Vinner by texting 425-345-6109 or by emailing frvinnerhgn@olqhcc.com .
Livestreaming schedule for Masses on Facebook and on our website at olqhcc.com are as follows: Sundays @ 9:30am; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 9:00am.
Reservations are required to attend weekend Masses. Reservations made online (olqhcc.eventbrite.com) or over the phone (by contacting the Parish Office), starting Mondays at 9am and they end on Thursdays at 12noon. Please check the website consistently for any updates to this schedule or contact Celyn Albino at celyna@olqhcc.com .
You can now request Mass intentions for either the weekday or weekend Masses by contacting Celyn at celyna@olqhcc.com . Please clearly state the date, which Mass, and whether living or deceased for the Mass intention. You are able to contact the Parish Office at 253-537-3252 x117 and leave a detailed message with your request.
Are you interested in giving back to your Church with your time and talent? We are currently looking for more volunteers to serve in the Liturgy for the Weekend & Weekday Masses! Roles include, but not limited to, ushers, greeters, sanitation, and more! For more information, please contact Joan Mikulski at 253-537-3252 x115 or jmikulski@olqhcc.com
Do you need assistance with utilities?
Please refer to our St. Vincent de Paul Office by calling (253) 537-5266 for more information.
Please leave a message if no one picks up.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday – 9am -11:30am, 12:30pm-4pm.
Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm.
Office Phone: 253-537-3252. Fax: 253-536-2662