OLQH Newsletter February 21-28

Parish Updates

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Haven’t picked up your rice bowl yet?

There are still more in the Narthex to help commit to your Lenten promises of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. Learn more about what is done through CRS Rice Bowl donations and get the whole family involved!

***Due to Covid-19, OLQH will not be processing coin donations. Please write a check for the whole amount or donate directly online. Thank you!

Year of St. Joseph
Pope Francis proclaimed a "Year of St. Joseph" on December 8, 2020, in his Apostolic Letter, Patris corde, ("With a Father's Heart").

Visit webpage with more information to celebrate this year. CLICK here


Mark your calendars for our Parish Lenten Retreat on March 20th! More information will be coming soon as well as a sign-up to participate! We look forward to praying and reflecting as a community. God Bless!

Part-Time Bookkeeper Position Open

Check out the description on our Employment page of our website! We want to deeply thank Mary Dorn for the incredible job and hard work she has done for us the past few months during this transitional time. If you know anyone who is interested, please direct them to our website. Thank you and please keep growth of this community and staff in your prayers.

Lent Reconciliation Times

During the Season of Lent, additional to the Wednesdays after Daily Mass (9:30am), Father will be hearing confessions on Saturdays 3:15pm -3:45pm before the 4:00pm Vigil Mass.

Please consider receiving the Sacrament during this nourishing prayerful season of Reconciliation.

“Even now, says the Lord return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God. For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. “ Joel 2: 12-13

Has your adult child been away from their faith?

Here are some insights offered by Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt, and some simple practical ways you can help to encourage and pray for your child to come back into relationship with Christ and His Church.

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First Friday Mass and
Eucharistic Adoration

Mass on First Fridays in the church, followed by 30 minutes of Eucharistic Adoration.

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First Saturdays Outdoor Rosary

Recitation of the Rosary on the first Saturdays of the month will be outdoors @ 10:00AM.

If you, your family, or your ministry would like to sign up to lead, contact the parish office. (253)537-3252


Check out our numbers for Stewardship clicking the button below. Thank you for your generosity in helping our parish operate!

We are making so much progress with our Pathway to Mary brick fundraiser. We are so close to completion. If you haven’t already made you order, hurry before it’s too late! The Knights of Columbus are generously splitting all proceeds to support the parish. Order submission instructions are located on the form.



Catholic Advocacy Day Mass | March 23 at 8am
in English and Spanish

Join the Bishops, who will offer Mass for the intention of a successful and fruitful Catholic Advocacy Day.
LEARN more

Virtual Catholic Advocacy Day | March 23, 8am–4pm
Meet with your state legislators to advocate for issues Catholics care about. REGISTER here by March 9

Lenten resources are now available at the Archdiocese.

Be inspired in your Lenten journey through these resources and feel free to share them with others.

Have you never seen all the ministries that are offered through our Archdiocese? Looking for resources to enhance you faith? Check out the NEW Archdiocesan website to discover more!



Scripture says: “Always be ready to give reason for your hope!” Share with others why Lent is meaningful for you!

Enhance your prayer life this Lent with these pointers of prayer!

This study guide contains material for faith groups, families, and individuals to journey through Fratelli Tutti in six sessions.

This study guide contains material for faith groups, families, and individuals to journey through Fratelli Tutti in six sessions.

Weekend Mass Times:

Saturdays – 4:00pm & 5:00pm

Sundays – 8:30am & 9:30am

Daily Mass: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9:00am

Fridays (Livestream Only from the Parish Chapel) 9:00am

Confessions & Anointing of the Sick – Do you or someone you know need any of the sacraments of Healing? Please come by Wednesdays after Daily Mass, Saturdays 3:15pm -3:45pm or make an appointment with Father Vinner by texting 425-345-6109 or by emailing frvinnerhgn@olqhcc.com .

Livestreaming schedule for Masses on Facebook and on our website at olqhcc.com are as follows: Sundays @ 9:30am; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday @ 9:00am.

Reservations are required to attend weekend Masses. Reservations made online (olqhcc.eventbrite.com) or over the phone (by contacting the Parish Office), starting Mondays at 9am and they end on Thursdays at 12noon. Please check the website consistently for any updates to this schedule or contact Celyn Albino at celyna@olqhcc.com .

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You can now request Mass intentions for either the weekday or weekend Masses by contacting Celyn at celyna@olqhcc.com . Please clearly state the date, which Mass, and whether living or deceased for the Mass intention. You are able to contact the Parish Office at 253-537-3252 x117 and leave a detailed message with your request.

Are you interested in giving back to your Church with your time and talent? We are currently looking for more volunteers to serve in the Liturgy for the Weekend & Weekday Masses! Roles include, but not limited to, ushers, greeters, sanitation, and more! For more information, please contact Joan Mikulski at 253-537-3252 x115 or jmikulski@olqhcc.com


Do you need assistance with utilities?

Please refer to our St. Vincent de Paul Office by calling (253) 537-5266 for more information.

Please leave a message if no one picks up.

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Friday – 9am -11:30am, 12:30pm-4pm.

Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm.

Office Phone: 253-537-3252. Fax: 253-536-2662


OLQH March 2021 Newsletter


OLQH Newsletter February 14 - 21