OLQH Weekly Bulletin April 17 - 24

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OLQH Mass Schedule for April:

Tuesday | No Mass

Wednesday & Thursday | 9:00 AM

Friday | No Livestream Mass

Saturday | 3:15-3:45PM Reconciliation | 4PM & 5PM Mass

Sunday | 8:30AM & 9:30AM Mass

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Joan Mikulski, Pastoral Assistant will be offering an Adult Class based on the book

Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life by Henri Nouwen

Tuesdays, starting April 13th thru June 8th
10am -11:30am in Greier Hall.

Those interested may purchase their own book on-line ahead of the class.
Handouts for discussion will be given out during every class session.

No registration for the class is necessary. Masks and social distancing to be observed.

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Highlights from the first class!



Looking for New Members!

Both the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Council are seeking a couple of new members.

Please consider if this is an opportunity for you to participate in Parish leadership. If interested, contact the Parish office with your email address and the Council will reach out with information and an application form.

KofC Monthly Breakfast - April 25th

Knights of Columbus are hosting a Free Modified Monthly take-out Continental breakfast.The Take-out breakfast will be Pastry, Cup of Fruit, Hardboiled Egg, Yogurt, and juice. Donations will be accepted. All the current Covid-19 restrictions will be followed for this event, including signing in. Breakfast will be served from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM on Sunday, 25th of April in Greier Hall.


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SAVE THE DATE: May Crowning & Rosary Celebration

Sunday, May 2 after the 9:30AM Mass.
Bring a flower stem and join the rosary outdoors. More details will be available next week and posted on the website.


A Quarterly Report for the Food Bank Donations.  In total there has been 3819 Pounds of Food collected since the first of the year.

A big thank you goes out to the local Girl Scout Troop, Family Catechesis Group, Knights of Columbus members, and especially to the Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Heaven in helping with the Council 6806 Faith in Action Lenten Project of “40 ITEMS OF NON-PERISABLE FOOD FOR LENT”. Through your efforts we were able to collect 2508 Pounds of food which was handed over to the Spanaway Fish Food Bank for those in need of a helping Hand.

Again, a VERY BIG THANK YOU for your support!

Do not forget that the monthly food collection is still on the second weekend of the month.


On April 4th Father Vinner blessed our Church Garden before going on vacation. We have been hard at work since we received the Rice Bowel Grant from the Archdiocese of Seattle, replacing one garden box and building a new one.  Five yards of top soil was purchased to fill all the boxes. Planting will begin this week we have also added a flower bed. Thank you to the Camacho Family, Wilkinson Family, Frank and Bernie Leon-Guerrero, Edwin Quichocho and Fred Glenister for all your help and support.

Interested in getting involved with the garden?
Contact the Parish Office who will put you in contact with Bob Wilkinson


Building & Facilities Committee
Project Birch Tree Removal

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Task: Remove dead Birch Trees from the westside adjacent to the parish entrance

Update:  Project Complete.  Thank you to the many parish members who gave their time and talent to make this project successful.  Job well done!!!

“Together we can make a difference in our OLQH Community”

Support your Parish Family through Stewardship

If you have not already made a stewardship pledge for the 21-22 fiscal year,
Prayerfully discern this week what you can give for the operations and maintenance of Our Lady Queen of Heaven. The gift may be a one-time gift, monthly or weekly pledge. If you find you are unable to give financially, please turn in a card with prayer written on it. Cards are available at Mass, the Parish Office, or online. We would like to know that 100% of our church family is committed to making this parish rich in faith and the sharing of the gifts God has generously given to us. 


Check out our numbers for Stewardship clicking the button below. Thank you for your generosity in helping our parish operate!


World Day of Prayer for Vocations is celebrated in parishes April 24th & 25th.
The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).


A Prayer Service for Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 21 at 7pm

Join Archbishop Etienne for a
Prayer Service for Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Attend in person at St. James Cathedral or watch livestream @ArchdioceseofSeattle Vimeo and Facebook.


May 1 at 11am - Inclusion Mass
You're invited to attend Mass as we celebrate people with disabilities in our Catholic faith community. Livestream @Archdioceseofseattle on Facebook and Vimeo.



Pope Francis declared the start of the Year of the Family on March 19, the feast of St. Joseph. He also proclaimed a Year of St. Joseph from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021, to mark the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. No doubt, he wants us to look to Joseph as an example for our own family life.


Today we celebrate Earth Day! Take time to enjoy God’s creation. What’s a small way you can care for it?

No Mass Reservations starting the Month of April!


Stay tuned for new Mass protocol information for these upcoming changes. Thank you in advance for your patience and prayers!

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For Mass intentions for either the weekday or weekend, contact Celyn at celyna@olqhcc.com . Please clearly state the date, which Mass, and whether living or deceased for the Mass intention. You are able to contact the Parish Office at 253-537-3252 x117 and leave a detailed message with your request.

Are you interested in giving back to your Church with your time and talent? We are currently looking for more volunteers to serve in the Liturgy for the Weekend & Weekday Masses! Roles include, but not limited to, ushers, greeters, sanitation, and more! For more information, please contact Joan Mikulski at 253-537-3252 x115 or jmikulski@olqhcc.com


Do you need assistance with utilities?

Please refer to our St. Vincent de Paul Office by calling (253) 537-5266 for more information.

Please leave a message if no one picks up.

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Friday – 9am -11:30am, 12:30pm-4pm.

Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm.

Office Phone: 253-537-3252. Fax: 253-536-2662


OLQH May Monthly Newsletter


OLQH Monthly Newsletter April 2021